Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm just tired...

Are you worn out? Do you need energy? I have just the thing for you, SHIFT YOUR FOCUS! I don't like to talk about being tired, and the reason why is because I understand that there are others that work harder than I do.  I also understand that there are others who are completely self-absorbed in their "Work to eat and eat to work" life.  God knows that we will tire that we will run out of steam, and due to that Hebrews 12:1-2 means a lot more to me now than it ever did before.  It is our responsibility to "Fix our eyes on Jesus" before the race begins, not to lean on him when we realize that the race is slightly longer than we initially anticipated.  So, with that being said, here comes a bold statement.  If I am out of line then so be it:  BECOMING PHYSICALLY WORN OUT AT ANY POINT IN OUR LIVES WITH CHRIST IS A MATTER OF US TAKING OUR EYES OFF OF HIM AND HIS POWER!!  To become worn out is to be complacent, habitual, and lazy.  (yes, lazy!) Do not allow yourself to become worn out in the life that you have been given, we must continue to strive and push ourselves and never show signs of fatigue.  God has a purpose and a plan for His people and His world, and while we may not always know what the next step is, I can tell you that we were NOT created to sit without gas, oil, and wheels like cars in a junkyard.  There has never been a car (that is bigger than a person for all of you smarties out there) that was created to not provide a means of transportation, and there never has and never will be a human being created to be burned out thinking that they do too much or have too much asked of them.  "Fixing our eyes on Jesus" should be used as race preparation and should not be used for in-race recuperation, Stay focused.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Simple Faith Reveals Truth, Answers Questions, and Drives Action.

Philippians 2:1-11.  We can do such a great job at focusing on our rights in our relationships with others, instead we should be focused on our responsibilities.  Do we really want to be standing in front of a Holy God demanding our Rights?  What if when Jesus came to Earth his only purpose was to demand His Rights?  The book of Revelation illustrates Jesus as a man with a sword coming out of his mouth, riding a white horse, and wearing a robe dipped in blood.  What if he showed up like that?  He would have the Authority to call us unholy, unworthy, and ultimately send us to Hell.  Instead he showed up in a Manger, took the form of a servant, and then he went from that Manger to a Cross.  He took a humble approach and focused on his responsibilities INSTEAD of his rights.  I'm so thankful that I have a Savior in Heaven today that went from a Manger to a Cross and never once gave up.  He was faithful to God's plan and faithful to the love that he has for each and every one of us.  This year I make it my number one goal to Walk with Christ, See Like Christ, and Be Like Christ.  That Passage has brought me back to the Throne today in a big way.  I have been feeling God's call to ministry for many years, and in the past few years I have not equipped myself with the determination or the faith to carry out his will.  In a lot of ways I still am not where I need to be, I pray that God grants me the skill to think like a servant, and to focus on my Responsibilities.  As a follower of Christ I have no rights, I only have responsibilities.  I pray for Humility, Love, and the Strength to remain faithful. Full Stop, it starts here. Simple Faith, a servants faith, is the strongest faith of them all.