Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm just tired...

Are you worn out? Do you need energy? I have just the thing for you, SHIFT YOUR FOCUS! I don't like to talk about being tired, and the reason why is because I understand that there are others that work harder than I do.  I also understand that there are others who are completely self-absorbed in their "Work to eat and eat to work" life.  God knows that we will tire that we will run out of steam, and due to that Hebrews 12:1-2 means a lot more to me now than it ever did before.  It is our responsibility to "Fix our eyes on Jesus" before the race begins, not to lean on him when we realize that the race is slightly longer than we initially anticipated.  So, with that being said, here comes a bold statement.  If I am out of line then so be it:  BECOMING PHYSICALLY WORN OUT AT ANY POINT IN OUR LIVES WITH CHRIST IS A MATTER OF US TAKING OUR EYES OFF OF HIM AND HIS POWER!!  To become worn out is to be complacent, habitual, and lazy.  (yes, lazy!) Do not allow yourself to become worn out in the life that you have been given, we must continue to strive and push ourselves and never show signs of fatigue.  God has a purpose and a plan for His people and His world, and while we may not always know what the next step is, I can tell you that we were NOT created to sit without gas, oil, and wheels like cars in a junkyard.  There has never been a car (that is bigger than a person for all of you smarties out there) that was created to not provide a means of transportation, and there never has and never will be a human being created to be burned out thinking that they do too much or have too much asked of them.  "Fixing our eyes on Jesus" should be used as race preparation and should not be used for in-race recuperation, Stay focused.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Simple Faith Reveals Truth, Answers Questions, and Drives Action.

Philippians 2:1-11.  We can do such a great job at focusing on our rights in our relationships with others, instead we should be focused on our responsibilities.  Do we really want to be standing in front of a Holy God demanding our Rights?  What if when Jesus came to Earth his only purpose was to demand His Rights?  The book of Revelation illustrates Jesus as a man with a sword coming out of his mouth, riding a white horse, and wearing a robe dipped in blood.  What if he showed up like that?  He would have the Authority to call us unholy, unworthy, and ultimately send us to Hell.  Instead he showed up in a Manger, took the form of a servant, and then he went from that Manger to a Cross.  He took a humble approach and focused on his responsibilities INSTEAD of his rights.  I'm so thankful that I have a Savior in Heaven today that went from a Manger to a Cross and never once gave up.  He was faithful to God's plan and faithful to the love that he has for each and every one of us.  This year I make it my number one goal to Walk with Christ, See Like Christ, and Be Like Christ.  That Passage has brought me back to the Throne today in a big way.  I have been feeling God's call to ministry for many years, and in the past few years I have not equipped myself with the determination or the faith to carry out his will.  In a lot of ways I still am not where I need to be, I pray that God grants me the skill to think like a servant, and to focus on my Responsibilities.  As a follower of Christ I have no rights, I only have responsibilities.  I pray for Humility, Love, and the Strength to remain faithful. Full Stop, it starts here. Simple Faith, a servants faith, is the strongest faith of them all.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Why Worldly Pyromania?

This world is full of ups and down, you feel like everything you know has been marked with this form of self-driven consistency, but then all of a sudden, something precious is taken from your life.  In all of my short 23 years on this Earth if there is one thing this world will consistently give you It's a large area of gray.   I've been undergoing a transformation as of late throughout my daily life, and I have come to understand much more about myself than I ever knew and more so about what purpose I serve here.   One phrase that has been burned into my memory that is personally more of a "Bryant way of thinking." is that, You need to ask questions to receive answers.  knowledge is something that is very fascinating to me, but not knowledge of the known (because knowledge of the known isn't really knowledge, but its more of a remembrance) but a knowledge of the unknown, the fascinating thing about Christ was that in his time on Earth, he ruffled every feather, shook up the modern way of thinking, but still left us with so many questions without answers.   Questions that still go unanswered even today, but even in light of so much uncertainty he gave the world a sense of security none could fathom.  I feel that not knowing what will ever happen next gives life a sense of excitement, and should drive and motivate people to go out and drastically shake up life as they know it.  So as followers of Christ we should go out and live our lives with purpose, to do tasks that just aren't seen anymore.  Breaking down the barrier of modern tradition, and attack the task with ruthless aggression.  Fixing our eyes on not what is seen, but what is unseen......What???  So let me get this straight.  As Christians, you're going to live your life to the fullest on a planet that can't guarantee you the light of tomorrow, fulfilling tasks that may not get finished, or grant you the response you would like, all for the glory of a kingdom that you can't even see???  That's exactly what we're going to do.  There is really only one big difference between a Christians outlook and a more Secular outlook toward the term "Living life to the fullest", and its the simple wanting of a "Result" an absolution for their hard work.  It's similar to expecting a prize when you win a contest or place in a race, the main point is that No One Wants To Work If They Are Not Going To Receive Some Type Of Reward.  Or at least something to call their own.  It's a selfish desire that was implemented into our very being at birth, and will stick with us for the rest of our lives. The parallel thought from a Christian perspective is that we do not take solace in the work that we do, because we understand that our lives are gifts given to us, and our talents are but many blessings.  We are to use those talents to make supernatural changes, and provide the world with a way to grasp onto the only constant on this planet, and that is the love of Jesus Christ that has covered us through the Grace of God the Father.  So as Christians we take leaps of faith every time we go out into this gray world, knowing that not everyone will be so accepting of the supernatural love that our Father grants us.  It's a powerful love that walks on such a fine line between Acceptance and Tolerance, It is not an easy love to use, and the weight that it bares can break the spirits of the strongest in Christ.  But it is the only way to truly love this world for what it has become. Worldly, adj, meaning.  "Of, or relating to the world."  Pyromania, noun,  meaning  "The irresistible urge to start fires."  Hebrews 12:29 states that.  "Our God is a consuming fire."  Anyone who is in Christ knows of a God who is like an all-consuming fire, a God that his perfect and his absolute perfect plan will be accomplished 100% in his time, and 100% on his terms.  That will never change, but God still calls on us as believers to dedicate our mission on this world to changing up the idea of living in a content state of mind, on a world that has no solidity in its thoughts or its actions.  Christians are called to be infectious in their ways, and unhinged in their mission, their ideas and outlooks are against the grain and are more intricate ways to tackle the struggles of everyday life.  It's because of my heart for this world and the desire to see it change, and the blessings given to me by my Father in heaven, that I can firmly admit that I am a Pyromaniac!  The Earth may seem beautiful and blue from the outside, but on the surface it is  very gray.  I have devoted this blog to thoughts that may spark Vision, and ideas that get your spirit to burn white hot for the glory of God the Father.  The world looks blue, acts and thinks in gray, let's turn it white hot to honor the holiness of our Lord to the point of obsession so that we leave no one behind as we run the race to reach eternal life with Christ!  May this blog be helpful to those who read it, and motivational as well.  Faith is a mixture of action (toward seeing the world change) and endurance (to effectively withstand the struggles and challenges a new day brings.)  May we only drink from the well that provides Living water.   Hebrews 12:29.